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CE You Payment – Multiple Classes
Mixed Emotions: Motivational Interviewing and Resolving Ambivalence, Monday, 3-10-25 (Live Webinar)
Comorbid Complexities: Borderline Personality Disorder and Trauma, Tuesday, 4-8-25 (Live Webinar)
Finding Hope: Risk Assessment and Suicide Prevention, Monday, 5-12-25 (Live Webinar)
You are Enough: Dismantling Shame and Building Emotional Resilience in Clinical Practice, Wednesday, 6-4-25 (Live Webinar)
Pride in Your Practice: Incorporating the Tenets of Social Justice and Inclusion in Work with LGBTQ Individuals and Beyond, Thursday, 3-6-25 (Live Webinar)
As Time Marches On: New Perspectives on Resilience and Productive Aging, Thursday, 4-24-25 (Live Webinar)
Apology and Forgiveness: Two Sides of the Same Coin, Tuesday, 5-20-25 (Live Webinar)
Benefits and Pitfalls: Artificial Intelligence and Mental Health Care, Tuesday, 4-29-25 (Live Webinar)
Nurturing Moms: Improving Maternal Mental Health Across the Lifespan, Thursday, 6-26-25 (Live Webinar)
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A Dish Served Cold: Exploring the Science, Physiology and Psychology Behind “Sweet” Revenge, Tuesday, 5-6-25 (Live Webinar)
A Mile in Your Shoes: The Unique Challenges of Empathy, Monday, 7-7-25 (Live Webinar)
Adulting 101: Finding Structure in the Chaos, Thursday, 7-17-25 (Live Webinar)
All Alone: The Impact of Social Isolation on Mental Health, Monday, 9-15-25 (Live Webinar)
All Alone: The Impact of Social Isolation on Mental Health, Wednesday, 2-19-25 (Live Webinar)
All Hands On Deck: Tools and Methods for Responding to a Crisis, Thursday, 4-3-25 (Live Webinar)
All Over the Place: Concrete Strategies for Bringing Structure to Sessions (While Still Remaining Flexible!), Thursday, 5-29-25 (Live Webinar)
Anger: Friend or Foe? Wednesday, 5-28-25 (Live Webinar)
Apology and Forgiveness: Two Sides of the Same Coin, Tuesday, 5-20-25 (Live Webinar)
As Time Marches On: New Perspectives on Resilience and Productive Aging, Thursday, 4-24-25 (Live Webinar)
Benefits and Pitfalls: Artificial Intelligence and Mental Health Care, Tuesday, 4-29-25 (Live Webinar)
Beyond Prevention: A Look at Adolescent Substance Use & Mental Health, Monday, 8-25-25 (Live Webinar)
Beyond the Break: Effective Interventions, Cultural Considerations, and Building Bridges in Trauma Care, Monday, 10-20-25 (Live Webinar)
Bridges Over Barriers: Exploring Ableism and Social Justice with Ethics-Based Perspectives, Wednesday, 6-25-25 (Live Webinar)
Bridging the Gap: A Social Justice-Based Approach to Helping Youth Overcome Systemic Oppression and Build Adult Allyship, Wednesday, 10-22-25 (Live Webinar)
CE You Payment – Multiple Classes
Comorbid Complexities: Borderline Personality Disorder and Trauma, Tuesday, 4-8-25 (Live Webinar)
Crowd Sourcing : The Healing Power of Groups, Tuesday, 9-16-25 (Live Webinar)
Decisions…Decisions: Building an Ethical Roadmap When Choices Are Not Always Clear, Tuesday, 6-17-25 (Live Webinar)
DEI and Culture: Exploring the Subtleties of Human Groups, Monday, 6-16-25 (Live Webinar)
Do As I Say, Not As I Do: Confronting the Myths and Realities of Ethical Leadership, Thursday, 9-25-25 (Live Webinar)
Don’t Be So Sensitive! The Myths and Realities of Living With High Sensitivity Traits, Thursday, 3-27-25 (Live Webinar)
Don’t Call Us, We’ll Call You: Exploring the Science of Rejection, Monday, 7-14-25 (Live Webinar)
Ethics and Opioids: Treating Substance Use Disorders from an Ethical Perspective, Thursday, 6-5-25 (Live Webinar)
Ethics of Artificial Intelligence and Chatbot Therapy, Tuesday, 7-1-25 (Live Webinar)
Face the Music: A Practitioner’s Guide to the Benefits of Music Therapy, Wednesday, 8-13-25 (Live Webinar)
Finding Hope: Risk Assessment and Suicide Prevention, Monday, 5-12-25 (Live Webinar)
Hear My Voice: The Vital Role of Assertiveness in Practice and Ethics, Tuesday, 5-27-25 (Live Webinar)
House Full of Stuff: Clutter in the American Home, Wednesday, 4-9-25 (Live Webinar)
Implicit Bias Interrupted: How to Reveal, Confront, and Get Unconscious Biases Out of Your Way, Monday, 3-17-25 (Live Webinar)
Implicit Bias Interrupted: How to Reveal, Confront, and Get Unconscious Biases Out of Your Way, Monday, 4-28-25 (Live Webinar)
Implicit Bias Interrupted: How to Reveal, Confront, and Get Unconscious Biases Out of Your Way, Thursday, 10-23-25 (Live Webinar)
Implicit Bias Interrupted: How to Reveal, Confront, and Get Unconscious Biases Out of Your Way, Thursday, 9-18-25 (Live Webinar)
In Your Wildest Dreams: A Relational Approach to Dreamwork in Session, Thursday, 2-20-25 (Live Webinar)
Integrating Grief: Foundations for Building Your Therapeutic Toolkit, Wednesday, 3-26-25 (Live Webinar)
It Takes One to Know One: Emotional Intelligence in a Nutshell, Tuesday, 3-11-25 (Live Webinar)
Jung and the Restless: The Psychology and Spirituality of Carl G. Jung, Monday, 6-30-25 (Live Webinar)
Know Pain, Know Gain: Revealing the Vital Messages Behind our Aches, Pains, and Other Physical Symptoms, Wednesday, 8-20-25 (Live Webinar)
Mind Over Matter: A Cultural and Scientific Exploration of Consciousness, Thursday, 8-7-25 (Live Webinar)
Mindfulness: The Subtle Spark for Transformative Therapy, Wednesday, 9-10-25 (Live Webinar)
Mixed Emotions: Motivational Interviewing and Resolving Ambivalence, Monday, 3-10-25 (Live Webinar)
Nurturing Moms: Improving Maternal Mental Health Across the Lifespan, Thursday, 6-26-25 (Live Webinar)
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Please Tell Me I’m Not Crazy: Clients Processing Near Death and Other Spiritual Experiences, Monday, 3-24-25 (Live Webinar)
Pride in Your Practice: Incorporating the Tenets of Social Justice and Inclusion in Work with LGBTQ Individuals and Beyond, Thursday, 10-30-25 (Live Webinar)
Pride in Your Practice: Incorporating the Tenets of Social Justice and Inclusion in Work with LGBTQ Individuals and Beyond, Thursday, 3-6-25 (Live Webinar)
Proceed With Caution: Navigating Professional Boundaries and Ethics, Monday, 10-27-25 (Live Webinar)
Proceed With Caution: Navigating Professional Boundaries and Ethics, Wednesday, 5-7-25 (Live Webinar)
Quick Payment
Rebel With A Cause: The Hidden Trauma and Profound Truth Behind Our Character Flaws, Wednesday, 5-14-25 (Live Webinar)
Rome Wasn’t Built in a Day: A Trauma Informed Approach to Ethics and Expectations, Thursday, 3-20-25 (Live Webinar)
Shame on Who? Strategies for Unpacking and Transforming Shame, Tuesday, 8-5-25 (Live Webinar)
Stockholm Syndrome: When Trauma Transforms, Monday, 5-5-25 (Live Webinar)
Tele-Health Meets Therapy: Examining the Ethics and Practice Considerations of Online Clinical Settings, Monday, 6-9-25 (Live Webinar)
The Art of the Heal: How Creativity Inspires Resilience and Healing to Overcome Stress, Monday, 11-10-25 (Live Webinar)
The Blame Game: Applying Family Systems to Prevent This and Other Ethical Missteps, Tuesday, 6-10-25 (Live Webinar)
The Marvel of Motherhood: Exploring the Dimensions of Matrescence, Wednesday, 7-23-25 (Live Webinar)
The Mind and Body Connection: Biohacking for Mental Health and Wellness, Wednesday, 7-30-25 (Live Webinar)
The Shift to Action: Exploring Solution Focused Brief Therapy Model, Monday, 9-29-25 (Live Webinar)
The Truth Shall Set You Free: Ethics and Authenticity in Session, Monday, 8-11-25 (Live Webinar)
Tools of the Trade: Exploring Concrete Techniques That Promote Client Progress, Wednesday, 10-29-25 (Live Webinar)
Trauma Informed Care: The Ethical Mandate to Employ Best Practices, Wednesday, 9-3-25 (Live Webinar)
Trust Me, I’m a Professional: The Ethical Mandate to Provide for Optimal Client Care, Monday, 7-21-25 (Live Webinar)
Unwind the Mind: Managing Stress Amid Chaos, Monday, 11-3-25 (Live Webinar )
Was It Something I Said? Examining Communication Styles in Session and Professional Settings, Thursday, 9-4-25 (Live Webinar)
What Archetypes Are You Living? Tuesday, 7-29-25 (Live Webinar)
What Were They Thinking? A Review of Ethical Mishaps, Lawsuits, and Incarcerations, Thursday, 9-11-25 (Live Webinar)
Where Mind and Body Meet: Trauma Informed Care & Treatment, Thursday, 8-21-25 (Live Webinar)
Why It’s Hard to Let Go: Emotional Attachment to Our “Stuff”, Thursday, 5-22-25 (Live Webinar)
Window of Opportunity: Expanded Tools and Skills for Effective Crisis Response, Tuesday, 4-22-25 (Live Webinar)
You are Enough: Dismantling Shame and Building Emotional Resilience in Clinical Practice, Wednesday, 6-4-25 (Live Webinar)
Your Family Matters: Dynamics and Systemic Impact of Grief and Loss, Tuesday, 6-24-25 (Live Webinar)
May 2011