9-Credit CE Marathon, What’s My Line, Happily Ever After, Spirituality Legitimized…Almost, Sunday, 12-8-19 (Staten Island)
To Register for this class, please complete the online registration form below. Feel free to call(929)35- CEYOU / (929) 352-3968 or email NewYork@CEyou.org for assistance.
Please join us for our
CE You! New York Seminar featuring three great presentations…
What’s My Line?
Improvisational skills to enhance the therapeutic relationship
Happily Ever After: Managing Expectations and Communication With Couples Therapy
Spirituality Legitimized…Almost: Near Death and Other Spiritual Experiences in the United States
Earn up to 9 CE Contact Hours!
Sunday December 8, 2019
The Brielle at Seaview, 140 Friendship Lane, Staten Island, NY 10314
(For GPS directions, use 475 Brielle Avenue which will take you to the Verrazano Babe Ruth League Field. The entrance to The Brielle is directly across from the field on Brielle Avenue.)
This CE You! New York Marathon Seminar includes three excellent classes (a total of 9 CE Contact Hours). You can attend all three classes or select individual classes. The Cost of the full seminar is only $169. Two classes are $119. One class is $75. Includes light lunch/dinner.
* Free and Easy Parking * Just Minutes from the Verrazano Bridge *
* Refreshments included *
First Session: 10:00 AM – 1:00PM
What’s My Line?
Improvisational skills to enhance the therapeutic relationship
( 3 CE Contact Hours )
Presenter: Sloane Miller, LMSW, MFA
Everything that happens in the treatment room between social worker and client is unscripted, unrehearsed, impromptu, and extemporaneous. We have interpersonal skills and tools at our fingertips, learned through books, in school, or on the job, but once the client walks in the room, we will need to figure out quickly how and when to deploy those skills and tools or we may need to create new ones on the fly. Whether we realize it or not, we are already doing “improv.”
Join Sloane Miller, LMSW; MFA as we study the core concepts of improv — and how being present, being flexible, and commitment — can deepen our understanding of core social work skills like listening, non-verbal communication, reflecting/reacting, and acceptance. This workshop will introduce the central principles of improvisation and using improvisation exercises will explore how improv can support and deepen the worker/client process and relationship.
Presenter Sloane Miller, MFA, LMSW, specialist in food allergy management and author, is founder and President of Allergic Girl Resources, Inc., a consultancy devoted to food allergy awareness. She consults with private clients, the healthcare, food and hospitality industries, government and not-for-profit advocacy organizations. Ms. Miller earned her Master of Social Work at the New York University’s Silver School of Social Work and her Master of Fine Arts in Writing and Literature at Bennington College. In 2006, she started Please Don’t Pass the Nuts, an award-winning blog for and about people affected by food allergies. In 2011, John Wiley & Sons published Ms. Miller’s book, Allergic Girl: Adventures in Living Well With Food Allergies, the definitive how-to guide. Ms. Miller combines a lifetime of personal experience and passion with professional expertise to connect with people about how to live safely, effectively, and joyously with food allergies. For more information, please visit Allergic Girl Resources, Inc at www.allergicgirl.com
Second Session: 1:00 PM – 4:00PM
Happily Ever After: Managing Expectations and Communication With Couples Therapy
( 3 CE Contact Hours)
Presenter: Alexis Cate, LCSW
Navigating the complexities of couples therapy can be daunting for even the most experienced clinician. In this workshop, Clinical Social Worker Alexis Cate, LCSW will provide a comprehensive overview of couples work in the context of Emotionally Focused Couples Therapy. She will explore the complexities for couple’s work (i.e. looking at counter-transference & triangulation), remaining mindfully objective and couple centered when establishing goals for a couple’s work & setting the stage for treatment, and will present ways to introduce and implement emotionally focused couples therapy practices, leading to improved communication and a better homeostasis in the couple’s relationship.
Alexis Cate, LCSW is currently a Clinical Social Worker with the Project Rising Program in the Division of Substance Abuse of Montefiore Medical Center in the Bronx, NY and provides direct clinical care to adolescents and young adults (ages 14-24) combatting comorbid substance use and mental health disorders.
She completed her bachelor’s degree in psychology at Wagner College and went on to earn her Master of Social Work Degree from the Silberman School of Social Work at Hunter College. Alexis has been working in New York City throughout her career across all age groups treating a variety of psychosocial concerns including: depression, anxiety, mood dysregulation, substance abuse, complex trauma, pervasive mental health disorders, suicidality, self-harm, community violence, and domestic/family violence.
A highly motivated self-starter, Alexis has a strong desire to empower the individuals and families with whom she works. She believes in the importance of holistic health, highlighting the mind-body connection, the practice of mindfulness, and enhancing clinical care by comprehensively understanding each clients needs within and outside the therapeutic experience.
Third Session: 4:00 PM – 7:00PM
Spirituality Legitimized…Almost: Near Death and Other Spiritual Experiences in the United States
( 3 CE Contact Hours )
Presenter: Rev. Karen E. Herrick, PhD, LCSW, LMSW, CADC
Dynamic lecturer and author Karen Herrick brings us back to the first time the DSM contained V-Code 62.89 in recognition of Religious or Spiritual Problems. In response to 30-40 % of the US population reporting to have undergone at least one mystical or spiritual experience, the purpose of this V-Code was to introduce a more culturally sensitive DSM ensuring mental health professionals would not ignore or make pathological the religious or spiritual dimensions of life. Believers and skeptics alike are invited to gain insight and appreciation of the important contrasts and characteristics of spiritual experiences vs psychosis, as well as enjoy a fascinating look at the ethical elements associated with Religion and Spirituality in the psychotherapeutic setting.
Rev. Karen E. Herrick, PhD, LCSW, LMSW, CADC, ACMHP has shared her clinical expertise for thirty years in her private practice by lecturing throughout the United States on dysfunctional and addictive homes, disassociation, grief, and loss from a Jungian psychological perspective.
Since 1995, her Interfaith ministry has been actively involved in Spiritual Psychology, specifically in naming spiritual experiences and working with chronic grief. This has led her to studying the bidirectional system of the vagus nerve. While physically important, it is also through this nerve that we receive intuitive and spiritual messages. She is a lecturer with CEYou.org, providing webinars for professionals and others interested in Jungian psychology, spirituality and the soul. Her books, You’re Not Finished Yet and “Grandma, What is a Soul?” are available through Amazon.com, Kindle and her office. Her websites are karenherrick.com, spiritualexperiences.info and grandmawhatisasoul.com
This CE You! New York Marathon Seminar includes three excellent classes (a total of 9 CE Contact Hours). You can attend all three classes or select individual classes. The Cost of the full seminar is only $169. Two classes are $119. One class is $75. Includes light lunch/dinner.
Continue Below to Register.
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