Don’t Be So Sensitive! The Myths and Realities of Living With High Sensitivity Traits, Thursday, 3-27-25 (Live Webinar)
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Don’t Be So Sensitive! The Myths and Realities of Living With High Sensitivity Traits
This webinar is live, real-time and interactive. Participants will earn 2 CE Credits. For many states, live, interactive webinars count the same as in person.
Presenter: Karina Antonopoulos
Thursday, March 27, 2025
8:00PM – 10:00PM EDT
Live Webinar
Modern research suggests approximately 25%-35% of humans are born with a more sensitive nervous system. Picking up on more information from the external environment may enhance the ability to empathize, experience intuition, be detail-oriented, and notice subtle changes. However, Western culture often promotes a need to be tougher, less emotional, remaining ever-able to handle high levels of stress without breaking a sweat. This landscape may leave Highly Sensitive individuals depleted, anxious, and stuck in “survival mode”.
Join sensitivity-focused educator and life coach, Karina Antonopoulos, as we review contemporary research and assessment surrounding Highly Sensitive People (HSPs) and the supportive measures and strategies that may aid clients in navigating daily functions with a deeper understanding around the implications of being Highly Sensitive, as well as living with Highly Sensitive loved ones.
Karina Antonopoulos is a Life Coach for Highly Sensitive People. She has been coaching since 2014 and educates the public and her clients on how to understand their unique wiring as a sensitive person. She supports her clients with emotional regulation, self-understanding, and improving executive functioning at work and at home. Karina is a relational focused coach and looks at how her clients are in relationship with various aspects of life; their work, their home space, their significant other, family and friends, their connection to spirituality, and their mental and emotional health. She is a meditation guide and coach on the Aura meditation app as well as supports neurodivergent women and men in corporate settings on the Joshin Disability & Neurodiverse Support platform. She is currently in school to complete her Masters Degree in Clinical Mental Health Counseling and has a genuine interest in trauma work and how it relates to the many layers a neurodiverse person can be in the world.
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