Harnessing the Healing Power of Metaphor 7-15-15

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Harnessing the Healing Power of Metaphor!

July 15, 2015

Office of the State Superintendent of Education (OSSE)

810 1st Street NE, 3rd Floor

Washington, D.C. 20002

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(Accessible by Metro Red line, Union Station, 1st Street Exit)


This One Day Seminar includes two excellent classes, a total of 6 category I CEUs. The cost for the full day is $99. You may attend an individual class for $59. Refreshments (healthy and not-so-healthy) are served through out the day.


In this Seminar we will learn to create, find and apply metaphors of healing. We will look to the new field of Interpersonal Neurobiology (IPNB) and traditional eastern medicine for models of health and healing.


Class 1- 10:15- 1:15pm (3 CEUs)

Class 1: Getting the Metaphor!

In Class 1 of this Seminar we will observe the metaphors that we consciously and unconsciously use in therapy and therapeutic settings We will evaluate the worlds and directions they open up for us.  We will study the application of word metaphors, sculpting, and choreographed metaphors. We will learn how these expand our understanding of “the problem” or “the solution”. 

Participants will take time to integrate the material through group and individual exercises and will gain new insights into the healing processes we provide for others in our professional lives. (Trainer: Rebecca Dietz, LICSW, MA)


Class 2-  2:00pm-5:00pm (3 CEUs)

The Seasons of Healing!

In eastern philosophy the health of our earth, our relationships and our bodies is all rooted in the movement and balance of life’s energy, or chi.  To understand the symptoms that cause us dis-ease, and the paths that will take us to more ease, we look to where we are in the cycle of the seasons, and the movement or stagnation of energy.

We will compare how the western medical model of fixing broken parts and the eastern model of balancing energy both provide metaphorical maps to understand mind/body phenomena, and possibilities for healing.  We will focus on understanding nature’s seasons through an eastern lens, and on the possibilities for healing metaphor and movement inherent in that perspective. Participants will gain a better ability to empathize and understand what our clients are experiencing.

We will round out our “western” education with some healing practices from eastern philosophy and learn to use the healing arts rooted in the wisdom of the physical seasons.  Participants will learn the gifts, emotions and challenges embedded in each season, as well as techniques to help ourselves be present to situations we find ourselves in, and create possibilities to move toward wholeness and healing for ourselves and our clients.  (Trainer: Rebecca Dietz, LICSW, MA)

Full Seminars consist of two trainings totaling 6 CEUs and costing $99. Participants can attend an individual class for $59.  Refreshments are served through out the day.

Agencies sending 3 or more staff members only pay $89 per person for the full seminar.


To register for this class please fill out the form below.

Event Registration for Harnessing the Healing Power of Metaphor 7-15-15 - 7-15-15

Harnessing the Healing Power of Metaphor 7-15-15 - Cost $ 99.00

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To Pay for just One Class ($59) or to pay the group rate ($89) for a group of 3 or more please use the button below AFTER you have clicked the submit button above.


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