Hidden Jewels of Journaling: The Transformative Power of the Process Journal for the Busy Mind, Tuesday, 9-30-25 (Live Webinar)

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Hidden Jewels of Journaling: The Transformative Power of the Process Journal for the Busy Mind

This webinar is live, real-time and interactive. Participants will earn 2 CE Credits. For many states, live, interactive webinars count the same as in person.


Presenter: Jennifer Convissor, LCSW

Tuesday, September 30, 2025

8:00PM – 10:00PM EDT

Live Webinar



Journaling can serve as a powerful release valve for the internalized pressure and stresses of everyday life. In this live webinar you will delve into the transformative journey of the journal. Participants will enjoy an overview of journaling techniques and their corresponding therapeutic properties, and learn how this can help clients to become more joyful and connected to themselves and others.


This webinar will also explore the primary physical and psychological benefits of the “process journal” for improving and maintaining mental health. Participants will learn how to maintain motivation for a journaling practice, as well as actionable techniques for fostering permanent habits of self-care for clients between sessions and after termination. Much like adding memory to an overloaded computer, this evidence-based therapeutic program offers fast and effective relief from mental and emotional overwhelm by enhancing the “processing power” of the mind and consciousness.


Jennifer Convissor is a writer, psychotherapist and ADHD coach licensed in New York and Connecticut. Her private practice specializes in helping clients connect with their own intuitive wisdom using mindfulness tools like journaling and ketamine assisted psychotherapy. Jennifer has been journaling for over 35 years and came up with the idea for this course during COVID, when she was furloughed, along with nearly the entire staff, from the community center where she was the coordinator of mental health services. This also led to her publishing her super comprehensive, beginners guide to journaling: Journaling for Non-Journalers: An expert’s guide to creating a journaling practice that works for you. Jennifer lives and works in the lower Hudson Valley and loves romping in the woods with her dog, singing & playing guitar and making vegan ice-cream sundaes for her family.


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Event Registration for Hidden Jewels of Journaling, 9-30-25 (Live Webinar) - 93025

Hidden Jewels of Journaling, 9-30-25 (Live Webinar) - Cost $ 39.99

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Learning objectives – Participants will be able to:

  • Identify specific types of journaling techniques and their corresponding therapeutic properties.
  • Describe the physical and psychological benefits of the “process journal”.
  • Identify actionable techniques for fostering motivation and permanent habits of journaling practice for clients between sessions


This presentation is open to:

  • Social Workers
  • Professional Counselors
  • Therapists
  • Psychologists
  • Licensed Mental Health Practitioners
  • Other professionals interacting with populations engaged in mental health based services


This beginner level class  is beneficial for:

  • New practitioners who wish to gain enhanced insight surrounding the topic
  • Experienced practitioners who seek to increase and expand fundamental knowledge surrounding the subject matter
  • Advanced practitioners seeking to review concepts and reinforce practice skills and/or access additional consultation
  • Managers seeking to broaden micro and/or macro perspectives


Class Agenda

1. Introduction.
a. Why Journaling, an Overview
b. Benefits of Journaling                                                                                      (5 Minutes)

2. Principles of Journaling
a. Making Amorphous Thoughts Concrete
b. Anxiety and Rumination
c. Using Journaling to Identify Unhealthy Patterns
d. Clarifying our Vision
e. Narratives & Depiction
f. Practice models and specified techniques
g. Creating your Road Map
h. Selecting the right supplies                                                                           (50 Minutes)

3. The Process Journal
a. 5 W’s – Who, Why, When Where, What
b. Examining Thoughts, Expressing Feelings, Noticing Patterns
c. Benefits of Process Journaling, Psychological and Physical                        (25 Minutes)

4. Additional Journal Styles and Practices
a. Writing down the Bones (getting out your thoughts, no cross-outs)
b. The Creative Journal
c. Overcoming Present Bias
d. Maintaining Motivation
e. Forgiving Yourself, Letting go of Perfection
f. Cultivating a Positive Inner Voice
g. Being the Good Coach                                                                                  (30 Minutes)

5. Review, Q and A, and Conclusion                                                              (10 Minutes)


Participants will receive their certificate electronically upon completion of the webinar and course evaluation form.

CE You LLC #1573 is approved as an ACE provider to offer social work continuing education by the Association of Social Work Boards (ASWB) Approved Continuing Education (ACE) program. Regulatory boards are the final authority on courses accepted for continuing education credit. ACE provider approval period: 3/27/2024 – 3/27/2027. Social workers completing this course receive 2 continuing education credits.

CE You LLC is recognized by the New York State Education Department’s State Board for Social Work as an approved provider of continuing education for licensed social workers #SW-0437

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