Spirituality Legitimized… Almost and “Can you see me?”, Sunday, 5-6-18 (Staten Island)
To Register for this class, please complete the online registration form below. Feel free to call(929)35- CEYOU / (929) 352-3968 or email NewYork@CEyou.org for assistance.
About Us… Our Accreditation
Please join us for our
CE You! New York Seminar featuring two great presentations…
Spirituality Legitimized…Almost: Near Death and Other Spiritual Experiences in the United States
“Can you see me?”- A Person-Centered Path to Uncovering the Unique Individual Behind the Diagnosis
Earn up to 6 CE Contact Hours!
Sunday May 6, 2018
JCC of Staten Island, 1466 Manor Road, Staten Island, NY 10314
Full seminar only $119.00. One session alone is $75.00
Refreshments (healthy and not-so healthy) are served throughout the day.
* Free and Easy Parking * Just Minutes from the Verrazano Bridge *
* Cafe on Premises * Refreshments included *
First Session: 2:00 PM – 5:00PM
Spirituality Legitimized…Almost: Near Death and Other Spiritual Experiences in the United States
( 3 CE Contact Hours )
Presenter: Rev. Karen E. Herrick, PhD, LCSW, LMSW, CADC
Dynamic lecturer and author Karen Herrick brings us back to the first time the DSM contained V-Code 62.89 in recognition of Religious or Spiritual Problems. In response to 30-40 % of the US population reporting to have undergone at least one mystical or spiritual experience, the purpose of this V-Code was to introduce a more culturally sensitive DSM ensuring mental health professionals would not ignore or make pathological the religious or spiritual dimensions of life. Believers and skeptics alike are invited to gain insight and appreciation of the important contrasts and characteristics of spiritual experiences vs psychosis, as well as enjoy a fascinating look at the ethical elements associated with Religion and Spirituality in the psychotherapeutic setting.
This course offers 3 CE contact hours
Rev. Karen E. Herrick, PhD, LCSW, LMSW, CADC, ACMHP has shared her clinical expertise for thirty years in her private practice by lecturing throughout the United States on dysfunctional and addictive homes, disassociation, grief, and loss from a Jungian psychological perspective. Her Interfaith ministry work since 1995 is to be actively involved in Spiritual Psychology, specifically in naming spiritual experiences and working with chronic grief. Chronic grief has led her to the bi-directional system of the vagus nerve/silver cord in and out of the body. While physically important, it is also through this nerve that we receive intuitive and spiritual messages. Her books, You’re Not Finished Yet, “Grandma, What is a Soul?” and “There’s No Health Without Mental Health: Breathing and Learning Through the Vagal Nerve” are available through Amazon.com, Kindle and her office. Her websites are karenherrick.com, spiritualexperiences.info and grandmawhatisasoul.com
Second Session: 5:00 PM – 8:00PM
“Can you see me?”- A Person-Centered Path to Uncovering the Unique Individual Behind the Diagnosis
( 3 CE Contact Hours)
Presenter: Mary Ann Clark, LCSW
Join Clinical Social Worker and Professor Mary Ann Clark, LCSW as we explore the meaning of mental illness through the lens of culture and social status. Gain deeper insight surrounding effective practices to cultivate client actualization through a strengths based perspective. Whether in direct service, or working in advocacy and policy, participants are sure to enjoy this empowering journey through the core principles of Social Work: Individual worth, valuing personal capacity for change, and incorporating the clinician’s binding ethics of fostering self-determination and hope.
This course offers 3 CE Contact Hours.
Mary Ann Sisto Clark, LCSW is a licensed clinical social worker who has worked in the field of behavioral health for more than thirty years. She has a private psychotherapy practice on Staten Island. She is an instructor at the College of Staten Island in the graduate social work program. She previously taught in the Sociology/Anthropology/Social Work Department. She is a member of the New York State Justice Center for the Protection of People with Special Needs Surrogate Decision Making Committee and is the president of the Richmond County Board of Advocates for Mental Health.
Full Day Seminar includes two excellent classes, a total of 6 CE Contact Hours. Refreshments (healthy and not-so healthy) are served. Full seminar only $119.00. One session alone is $75.00
Continue Below to Register.
Event Registration for Spirituality Legitimized and Can You See Me, Sunday, 5-6-18 (Staten Island) - 5618
Spirituality Legitimized and Can You See Me, Sunday, 5-6-18 (Staten Island) - Cost $ 119.00 |