9-Credit CE Marathon, A Musician’s Musings, Legacy of Love, and Lights,Camera,Action, Sunday, 3-8-20 (Staten Island)
To Register for this class, please complete the online registration form below. Feel free to call(929)35- CEYOU / (929) 352-3968 or email NewYork@CEyou.org for assistance.
Please join us for our
CE You! New York Seminar featuring three great presentations…
A Musician’s Musings: The Multifaceted Therapeutic Benefits of Music Therapy
Legacy of Love: Harnessing the Tools of Estate Planning to Bring Meaning to the Here and Now
Lights, Camera, Action: Unlocking Emotional Awareness with Clients Through the Power of Performance Art Based Exercises
Earn up to 9 CE Contact Hours!
Sunday March 8, 2020
The Brielle at Seaview, 140 Friendship Lane, Staten Island, NY 10314 
(For GPS directions, use 475 Brielle Avenue which will take you to the Verrazano Babe Ruth League Field. The entrance to The Brielle is directly across from the field on Brielle Avenue.)
This CE You! New York Marathon Seminar includes three excellent classes (a total of 9 CE Contact Hours). You can attend all three classes or select individual classes. The Cost of the full seminar is only $169. Two classes are $119. One class is $75. Includes light lunch/dinner.
* Free and Easy Parking * Just Minutes from the Verrazano Bridge *
* Refreshments included *
First Session: 10:00 AM – 1:00PM
A Musician’s Musings: The Multifaceted Therapeutic Benefits of Music Therapy
( 3 CE Contact Hours )
Presenter: Shoshana Averbach, LMSW, MA
What can we learn from the Language of the Soul? Shoshana Averbach, LMSW, MA brings participants an innovative look at Music Therapy!
Gain an overview to understand and differentiate between music therapy and therapeutic music, explore what makes music therapeutic, its capacity for healing, and how it’s effective as a whole-brain activity. Learn music-therapy interventions and applications for therapeutic use.
Shoshana Averbach, LMSW,MA,MT-BC, LCAT, CDP, CCM, Accredited Healer earned master’s degrees in music therapy and social work from NYU and Yeshiva University, respectively, and is a Certified Dementia Practitioner, Licensed Creative Arts Therapist, Board- Certified Music Therapist, Case Manager, and accreditation as a healer through the Jewish Association of Spiritual Healers. For over 35 years, she has worked with primarily geriatrics as a social worker, music therapist, and recreation leader in nursing homes, hospice, short-term rehabilitation, dementia, senior center, home care. She has performed in over 85 geriatric facilities, and has also has studied numerous modalities for client self-healing. She has produced two CDs of original, healing songs and musical compositions: The Time Is Coming (2011) and I Reclaim My Heart (2015). Shoshana currently works as a social worker in home care and performs in nursing homes in the NYC area. For more information, see her website, www.healingnotes.com.
Second Session: 1:00 PM – 4:00PM
Legacy of Love: Harnessing the Tools of Estate Planning to Bring Meaning to the Here and Now
( 3 CE Contact Hours)
Presenter: Eileen Moynahan, MA
Join Eileen Moynahan, MA, as we take a more in depth look into end of life challenges for clients and families. Participants will gain insights surrounding awareness of client’s legal, financial, and medical planning, preservation of client legacy (apart from material belongings), as well as important skills and approaches when preparing for end-of-life, all while celebrating life itself!
Eileen Moynahan, MA, is the author of After the Funeral: A Practical Memoir for Administering Your Loved One’s Estate (2019). Eileen spent decades working criminal investigations before a personal tragedy led her to launch her estate-administration business, Legacy Estate Organizing. It turns out that the investigative skills she developed over the years lend themselves marvelously to finding money! Now Eileen is fortunate to spend her days searching for assets and helping her clients resolve their loved one’s estate with compassion and respect. Please join her and her love of the deceased at www.legacyestateorganizing.com.
Third Session: 4:00 PM – 7:00PM
Lights, Camera, Action: Unlocking Emotional Awareness with Clients Through the Power of Performance Art Based Exercises
( 3 CE Contact Hours )
Presenter: Mark O’Connell, LCSW, MFA
Join Clinical Social Worker and Performing Artist, Mark O’Connell, LCSW, MFA as we apply Mindful exploration of “Motivation” as it relates to client behavioral health, how actors’ techniques and methods in character study development can aid in client assessment and treatment plans, as well as skills to help clients gain deeper understanding of narrative & context perspectives as effective means for addressing life problems and challenges.
Mark O’Connell, LCSW-R, MFA, is a psychotherapist in New York City, and a trained professional actor. He’s the author of the books The Performing Art of Therapy: Acting Insights and Techniques for Clinicians, and Modern Brides & Modern Grooms: A Guide to Planning Straight, Gay and Other Nontraditional Twenty-First Century Weddings, and has been published in clinical journals, including Journal of the American Psychoanalytic Association, and popular sources, such as Psychology Today, Psychotherapy Networker and The Huffington Post. For more information about Mark’s psychotherapy practice visit: www.markoconnelltherapist.com. For more information about Mark’s workshops on therapy as a performing art visit: www.theperformingartoftherapy.com
This CE You! New York Marathon Seminar includes three excellent classes (a total of 9 CE Contact Hours). You can attend all three classes or select individual classes. The Cost of the full seminar is only $169. Two classes are $119. One class is $75. Includes light lunch/dinner.
Continue Below to Register.
Event Registration for Staten Island CE Marathon, Sunday, 3-8-20 - 3820
Staten Island CE Marathon, Sunday, 3-8-20 - Cost $ 169.00 |