The Clear Solutions and Parenting Skills Seminar!
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The Clear Solutions and Parenting Skills Seminar!
August 30, 2012
at the Arbutus Library
855 Sulphur Spring Road, Arbutus, MD 21227
This One Day Seminar includes two excellent classes (a total of 6 category I CEUs). Refreshments served through out the day.
Class 1- 10:00am- 1:00pm
Getting to the Point! Methods and Applications of Solutions-Focused Brief Therapy*
Solutions-Focused Brief Therapy (SFBT) principles have been applied to situations as diverse as, school settings, couples therapy, drug abuse, and suicide prevention programs. Unlike classical psychotherapists, SFBT practitioners don’t go looking at a client’s past to search for the root of the problem. Instead they ask a series of questions. They help their clients find out what is going right and build on those successes. The simple yet profound methods of SFBT have been shown to be affective in working with even highly dysfunctional clients and families.
This interactive training will familiarize you with the principles of SFBT and help you understand the implications of this highly effective therapy in working with their clients. (Trainer, Jeffrey Davidson, LCSW-C, LICSW, Director CE You!)
Class 2- 1:45pm-4:45pm
Teaching Parenting Skills to Unskilled Parents (3 Category I CEUs)
Most poor parenting comes down to a lack of understanding of child development and extreme frustration. Even parents who are physically abusive often justify their actions by saying that their child is abnormally stubborn or just a bad kid who doesn’t listen. They genuinely feel that excessive physical discipline is the only way they can “correct” their children and prevent them from falling into a life of failure or crime. With the right approach most parents can be taught to effectively parent their children.
This training will look at effective methods for training parents, including the highly regarded Parent-Child Interaction Therapy (PCIT). PCIT is a family-centered treatment approach which has been proven effective for abused and at-risk children between the ages of 2½ to 12 and their biological or foster caregivers. This interactive training will familiarize professionals with parent teaching techniques and help them understand the uses and limitations of teaching parenting skills. (Trainer, Jeffrey Davidson, LCSW-C, LICSW, Director CE You!)
Full Seminars consist of two trainings totaling 6 CEUs and costing $99. Participants can attend an individual class for $59. Refreshments are served through out the day.
Agencies sending 3 or more staff members only pay $89 per person for the full seminar.
To register for this class please fill out the form below.
Event Registration for The Clear Solutions and Parenting Skills Seminar! - 8-30-12
The Clear Solutions and Parenting Skills Seminar! - Cost $ 99.00 |